
Sunday, November 11, 2012

It's a girl!!!

My heart is so incredibly overjoyed to share that-


Love at first sight!

Her name will be Lydia Jean and we are just so excited and thankful for this precious little one that is going to be coming into our life in 4 months!  She looked beautiful and healthy- what more could we possibly ask for!  We have a daughter!  Ahhh...I cannot get used to saying that!

I really think we have had the name Lydia picked out since we were newly engaged and just dreaming of and talking about children.  Not only do we just love the sound of the name but also the account of the biblical Lydia as well- her hospitality and dedication to doing her part to spread the gospel.  There really has never been another girls name we Lydia isn't going anywhere :-). 

As for her middle name, Jean, it is not only my middle name, but also the middle name of both of our moms.  It doesn't stop there.  It is also Chris' middle name and his grandpa's first name.  All spelled the same way!  So we will have a family of Jean's!  We should have made Samson's middle name Jean :-).

Christopher Jean, Rebecca Jean, Lydia Jean...that's the Borgmans!

Samson wanted to be the one tell our parents it's a girl!
Anyone who has had a little girl knows how incredibly addicting the little clothes are!  Goodness sakes, I need to remember she will be in a onesie most of the time and will grow out of clothes so quickly I will barely have enough time to put all of them on her, but oh it is so hard to not want to buy every little skirt or dress out there!  

Chris on the other hand, has already put his foot down on one skirt...sized for a 3 month old...because it looked too much like a "mini skirt" and he didn't want to put his baby girl in a mini skirt.  Oh boy...I hate to see what happens when she is dating and wearing make up, I may have to medicate her father.

As soon as we knew she was a girl, I immediately began picturing all of the huge flowered headbands and adorable outfits.  A few hours later, I honestly had a little, mini panic attack.  I began to get past all the fun, cutesy girl stuff and began to think about how out of everything I hope and dream of for her, my biggest desire is that she has knows her savior and desires a relationship with Him.  And as her mother, it is my responsibility to set an example for her for what a godly, Christ following woman is.  I want so badly to do right by my daughter and provide her that example.  I also want to be sure I am helping her to become who God created her to be, not who Chris and I want her to be.  I want her to have her own faith...not inherit ours.  I want to teach her how we, as women, can take care of our appearance but that we first must be concerned about the beauty on the inside.  I want to teach her how to stand firm but be gentle in what she believes.  I could honestly go on and on about the fine lines and life lessons that have bounced around in my head since knowing she was a girl and having it all become more real.  But there are 2 things I am sure 1) I am not, nor will I ever be, everything I wish to be or everything I should be for my little girl and 2) I am not meant to do this myself but have an amazing God to lead me through it and I only need to turn to Him and trust in Him.

I must say again, we are so excited to meet our little Lydia...or as her daddy calls her "Lydi"!  Thank you, Lord, for this blessing!